Honey Sesame Blondies

Honey Sesame Blondies

You might be fooled into thinking that the ‘Blondie’ is just a poor man’s brownie - but this is far from the truth.

Unlike fudgy, chocolate brownies, the humble blondie calls for brown sugar in its recipe (instead of cocoa and chocolate), which gives them their classic rich butterscotch flavour.

The famous fudge brownie often overshadows it's blonde relative; but I was surprised to learn that they actually predate chocolate brownies - making them the older and, quite clearly much more sophisticated dessert!

Blondies are traditionally baked as tray bakes (like brownies). They don’t always call for chocolate, but are often made with chocolate chips - you could almost describe them as a tray bake version of a chocolate chip cookie (and what’s not to love about that description?).

This recipe is my take on the blondie - which slightly diverts from the more traditional methods.

I made these in a 12-hole cake tin, with loose bottoms - but these will work just as well in a regular muffin or even a brownie tin. 

I have also included double white chocolate - melted and combined with the batter and with an extra sprinkling of white chocolate chips for good measure.

The honey works so well with the white chocolate and the sesame seeds add an extra flavour of ‘nutiness’ - enhanced by the beurre noisette (brown butter). 

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